Tag Archives: brown

Rihanna Retaliates Over Jenny Johnson’s Twitter Remarks Toward Chris Breezy

27 Nov

Amongst all the reports that surfaced about Chris Brown‘s explicit Twitter feud between former news producer and comic writer Jenny Johnson, a majority of media outlets overlooked Rihanna‘s reactions toward the spectacle.

Before it was deleted on Sunday, we managed to capture a screen shot of the comment RiRi made in regard to the disses targeting her alleged once again boa, Chris Breezy.

In short, Rihanna told Johnson aka @JennyJohnsonHi5 to get a life.

Her tweet was accompanied by an Instagram photo of past tweets Johnson forwarded to Brown in the past.

Here are some close ups…see if you can interpret what is being said.

Looks like Johnson has made Brown the pun of her jokes ever since 2009 when he was arrested for beating Rihanna.

If Rihanna can turn the other cheek three years after the incident, should Jenny Johnson be capable of forgiveness?