Tag Archives: nice guy

Reason Why Women Can’t Stand Nice Guys

2 May

Not Real:  Nice guys can be too nice.  Women find it hard to trust that.  They feel that bad boys “keep it real” and aren’t afraid to upset like a nice guy is.

Respect:  Woman can’t respect a man they can control.  No girl wants a doormat.  Nice men must learn how to set boundaries a make real demands.

Predictable: If a women is leading a boring and predictable life, she wants someone the total opposite.  She wants someone exciting, surprising, and a challenge.  A bad boy.

Mother Nature: Nice guys rarely need to be saved.  It is in a woman’s makeup to nurture.  Instead of nurturing a child, she will foster the bad boy.  She feels the bad boy needs to be saved and that her love can rescue him.

Fear of intimacy: If a woman is afraid of intimacy, she subconsciously knows she doesn’t have to worry about it with a bad boy.  Bad boys never get close enough to get too serious, but nice guys will eventually want a commitment.

Sex: Women feel a nice guy won’t be good in bed. We sometimes like to be manhandled and think a nice guy won’t be able to take control and get the job done. A bad boy comes across as being able to deliver, even though that may not always be the case.

Hottness: Have you ever seen a bad boy who wasn’t hot?  I’m sure there are a few, but a majority of bad boys are super attractive.  Why do you think they can get away with so much?  On the other hand, when a woman describes a guy as being a “nice guy” usually that is translation for “He is not hot.”

Charm: Nice guys don’t always know what to say, and are sometimes at a loss for words. Bad boys can be very charming and know exactly what women want to hear. However, they eventually switch over to being selfish. By the time they reveal their true colors, the woman has fallen for them and has a hard time letting go.

Protection: Bad boys give off the image that they can protect a woman.  Some women are uncertain whether or not a nice guy can keep them safe.

Life is about balance. Most men fall into either the bad boy or the nice guy category. The ideal man is neither, but walks that fine line between the two. Until men learn how to do this, more often than not, women will choose the bad boy, until they realize that his bad qualities outweigh his good ones.